This post is entirely ironic and has no particular function but to buttress a CT post, Q.V.:
I points the fingerbone of scorn at those inhumanly cruel Republicans who drink puppy blood for breakfast. When I consider the sharp, tiny milk-teeth of those puppies, protruding from gums now white with blood loss, I am filled with a righteous and long-abiding anger. In fact, the mere thought of a pure-bred English Bulldog puppy, its throat slit with a dull buck knife, its precious life-blood draining into a glass pitcher soon to be enlivened with worchestershire sauce and Tabasco--the lot soon to be poured into a glass garnished with a pale green stalk of celery from the inner part of the bunch, in the manner of some third-season Dr. Who--well, my gorge rises. Just saying, is all.
Also, I am totally kidding.
Puppy blood isn't kosher????
Also, it coagulates too fast. You have to temper it with some tomato juice first. Actually, skipping the blood is pretty tasty too.
Posted by: Carlos | August 13, 2005 at 11:37 PM
Turns out to be French citizens who use live puppies for bait.
Check out
Posted by: Mike Del Sol | August 28, 2005 at 08:07 AM