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March 23, 2006



Woo-hoo! Stuffed milkfish synchronicity! (scroll down) Though Davidson makes it more like a samosa.

No balut? No eyeballs? then you can expect some yummy roast pig skin. The best part is the fat, which you scrape off with your teeth, like artichoke. Don't mind the bristles. (Mandos, I am afraid there is no kosher version of this possible. It's sort of why Deuteronomy was written.)


That is very cool. I'm sure you'll all have a blast.

My landlord's family in North Sulawesi made us a roast suckling pig for Xmas, which was incredibly tasty. Then a few weeks ago a piglet moved into our yard - destination Easter!
Interestingly our kids, although they like going to see the piglet and feeding him our leftovers, are not sentimental about him. They *want* to eat him.
He is a bad tempered smelly little guy anyway.


Papa saw someone eating the Vietnamese version of balut when he was in Viet Nam--it's the one thing he mentions that he didn't try and wishes he had.

Andrew John

I've only been to the Philippines once, and it was for a very short time, and it was to Manila, and it was on business -- so the fun quotient was limited but I do remember that the food was very good. I'm betting it will be even better where you're going. Enjoy!


Aw yeah filipina cuisine has its own charms, tho' it can be a bit, shall we say, greasy. Try some fresh lumpia.

Jeff  M

I spent some time there in the 80's, in the USAF. It is one of the most beautiful places on earth. I used to fly over the area you are going, but never ventured farther north than Baguio by car. The coast is incredible; very mountainous inland. It's tough to know how far 7 hours gets you today; then it would have been maybe 200 miles. Are you going near Santa Maria?

You are really going to have a blast, and Zoe should remember it all well. The Filipinos in general are gentle, hospitable, and friendly. Where you are going, I imagine few tourists venture. What a treat.


Good idea, I'll send it around here in Milano.


I was just thinking about balut eggs for some reason. If giant aliens invaded and decided to use humans as food, would they invent balut humans? Would it occur to them to create clever human-flesh delicacies?

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