From Ta-Nehisi, and all so very true:
1. Put some flour, salt and pepper and a tiny but of cayenne in a empty Piggly Wiggly* plastic bag.
2. Put a few pieces of raw chicken in there and shake it around till they're coated.
3. Get the deep, melted Crisco, or lard, or even peanut oil in a cast-iron Dutch oven so bubbling hot that you start to worry about fatal burns. My dad always taught me to let a piece of stale bread fry in there while it heats so it doesn't blow up in some unspecified way (a superheated bubble from underneath bursts to the surface?), and while I don't know if this is true, I've never dared skip it, so...
4. Fry the chicken. Don't crowd the pan too bad. Turn it over and fry it till the other side is golden too.
5. Let it stay warm in a merely warm oven on a bunch of paper towels until the rest is done.
6. Eat it. It is also good cold for a picnic.
*Not actually crucial.
Crisco is horrifically bad for you -- lard is much better.
Posted by: Gene Callahan | June 06, 2010 at 05:22 AM
Can't tell you how happy I am that you're back, Belle.
A question. Realizing of course that deep frying is in its essence an unhealthy process, is there any oil/cooking fat that is relatively healthy (cf. crisco or lard) and has a high enough smoke point for deep frying?
Posted by: southpaw | June 06, 2010 at 07:23 AM
So glad you're back and in excellent form I must say.
Posted by: MaryLou | June 07, 2010 at 06:52 AM
I know melted Crisco is horribly bad for you, but it tastes better than plain vegetable oil and lard can be hard to find. And truthfully, I grew up using melted Crisco, so... Same for biscuits. I can retro-engineer with some butter or whatever but it judt doesn't taste like biscuits to me. Plain vegetable oil, however, is OK. so for a healthier option go with Wesson oil or whatnot.
Posted by: Belle Waring | June 07, 2010 at 09:41 AM
I think you put the bit of stale bread in there to gauge the temperature of the oil - ie how long does it take for the bread to turn brown and rise to the surface of the oil.
Posted by: ajay | June 08, 2010 at 12:08 AM
I thought Crisco was okay once you buy the 'no trans fats' kind. Is there anything else wrong with it?
Posted by: LizardBreath | June 08, 2010 at 04:06 AM
I use a paper bag for coating.
And a cast iron skillet with about an inch of oil for frying--not deep fried, and you can cook more at once if you get a big skillet. Works well in an electric skillet, too (this was Nana's cooker of choice for this).
Peanut and sunflower oils work well--peanut gives a nice nutty flavor--but almost anything will work except olive oil. It's OK to fry the chicken slowly as long as you make sure it's done, so smoke point needn't be an issue.
Mom makes the best fried chicken. This is our Alzheimer's test: when her FC skills get weak, it's time to find a secure facility.
Posted by: R. Stanton Scott | June 10, 2010 at 03:53 AM
Belle's eyes: pure white, with no iris or pupil?
Posted by: ben | June 23, 2010 at 11:08 PM